I need some decorating advise from my fellow bloggers! I'm usually confident with my decorating decisions, but at this point, I'm confused. Maybe it's because I have had to sit here in my cozy chair for the last 4+ months recooperating, and have seen this scenerio way too much.
Okay, so I found this cupboard on Craigslist last summer. It's not too often that you find a cupboard which will house the big old tv's we have these days.
We haven't set it up for the tv yet (it's on another wall and it will take moving other furniture, and up until now, I haven't been able to 'inspire' the hubs to do it.) This is how it looks.
I asked my dear friend Shelley from Sweet Pea Home (sorry, the link option is not cooperating) what I should do with it in case I don't get it moved right away, and see suggested that I put fabric in the doors....I never thought of that! So this should be easy right? Not.....
So here's my first question:
Should I put burlap or linen in the doors?
I'm using it currently more for storage than display.
Use your imagination....they are just tacked in for now.

Question #2
When we do move the cupboard and put the tv in it, should I keep the doors on? Yes, it would hide the tv, but the open doors would also take up valuable wall space which is limited in the living room.
Here's the wall we will put it on, and the hanging shelf and bench will go on to the wall where the cupboard is now. Are you confused yet?
The full tv wall
Both walls:
I guess I just want to simplify and minimize some of my 'stuff'. I think this arrangement will open up the living room a bit.
So, what do you think I should I do?
Maybe Shelley should come over.....Shelley are you there?
I'll fix lunch!!