I'm hooking up with Suzan at
Old Grey Mare for Project Genesis. If you haven't already, head on over and take some time to read about it. Suzan is an amazing advocate for keeping our planet healthy, has a wealth of information and if she doesn't inspire you....nothing will! I know I have a long way to go to live as 'Green' as I would like....it's a process. It makes us do things we aren't 'used' to. Change is good, and there's so many 'simple and easy' things we can all do.
One thing that I am totally sold on is "Composting". I can remember searching for information about composting. There's entire books about the subject:
Check out this book....all 1007 pages!
If I have one gardening book, I have 25 and most of them have information about composting.
I have a folder with magazine articles about composting, and how to build a 'fancy' way to keep it intact!
"Composting: Make It or Buy It?"
"How to Bake Compost"
"Layering Green and Brown"
"Build Your Perfect Compost Bin"
Well, I say "phooey" on all that....it's just way to complicated for my simple little country mind!
So, here's "Composting Susie's Way":
1. Know what to compost (now you may want to read up on this a bit, but here's the condensed version)
~Brown materials: leaves, branches, wood chips, straw - These add carbon
~Green materials: grass clippings, discarded plants, well rotted manure (personally I don't have any of this laying around), kitchen scraps (no meat or bones) - These add nitrogen
2. Now don't get me wrong, I would love to have a fancy bin.....but I just find an outta the way place (easily accessible and not too far from the kitchen) and get started:
Here's My Compost Pile (not so pretty, but effective)
2. The books will give you complicated measurements for layering. Here's what I say:
~Start out with some brown stuff, add some green
~Throw on kitchen scraps, brown and green whenever you have 'em
3. Get ya a good pitch fork and turn it when you feel like it (if I throw in a lotta kitchen scraps, I usually dig 'em in a bit).
4. Water it now and then
5. Wait a little bit, and before you know it, you'll have the most wonderful 'dark, garden gold' and it doesn't cost a penny!
Could it be any easier?
I don't know about you, but composting makes me feel good!
Now go dig them salad scraps outta the garbage and feed your compost pile!
Keep it Green,